照燒鮭魚 Pan-fried Salmon in Teriyaki Sauce

材料 Ingredients
鮭魚片 Salmon Fillet1/2 磅 lb (225g)
洋菇 Button mushroom 5 朵 each
蔥 Scallion 2 支 stalk
噴油 Pam oil 少許 little
照燒醬汁 Teriyaki Sauce 1/2 份 portion

1.將魚切成 8cm x 3cm小塊。將洋菇切成厚片。將蔥切成 5cm小段。
5.放進蔥段煎 30 秒後﹐全部盛出裝盤。

1.Cut the salmon into 3"x1" pieces. Roughly slice the mushrooms. Cut the scallions into 2" segments.
2.Prepare the Terikayi Sauce.
3.Heat the pan and spread some Pam oil. Pan-fry the salmon in medium heat until a little brown on the surface, approx. 3 minutes.
4.Turn the salmon strips over, and push them aside. Add the mushrooms. Continue pan-frying the salmon and mushrooms until the fish is almost done, approx 3 minutes.
5.Add scallions and pan-frying for another 30 seconds. Place the salmons and mushrooms on a plate.
6.Pour the Teriyaki Sauce over the salmons while they are still hot.

最後更新 (Last Update): 08/23/2013
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